• Seminar by Florian Jouffreau, Wed 20th Aug, AG06, 4:30pm

    by  • August 19, 2014 • News, Reading Group

    On Wednesday 20/8/2014, at 4:30pm, Florian Jouffreau (Polytech Paris UPMC, visiting MIRG) will give a talk entitled “Particle Swarm Optimization on HPC applied to Music Similarity”. The seminar will take place in room AG06 (College Building) of City University London.

    Particle Swarm Optimization on HPC applied to Music Similarity

    This talk will summarize our research for learning distance measures using Swarm Intelligence(SI) methods for music similarity. The use of SI can be quite time-consuming, as the likelihood of better results rises with the number of simulated particles in the swarm. To allow for simulations of 100000 and more particles, we parallelised an existing Particle Swarm Optimisation algorithm using the IPython python package. The code is now run — testing a new HPC cluster — via the PBS queuing system.

    UPDATE: You can download the slides at: https://mirg.city.ac.uk/blog/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Talk_PSO_Cluster_PDF.pdf